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* Nunca me esqueças, Lesley Pearse
* O pacto, Jodi Picoult
* Dezanove minutos, Jodi Picoult
* O retrato de Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
* Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
* Orgulho e preconceito, Jane Austen
* Nómada, Stephanie Meyer
* Saga Twilight, Stephanie Meyer
* The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
* Trilogia Millennium, Stieg Larsson
Pensei que ia ser bem mais fácil escolher 10 livros que fossem os meus favoritos, mas não. Há outros que gosto bastante mas que não deu para pôr aqui. Da Jodi Picoult adoro todos os livros mas optei por só pôr aqueles dois, porque se pussesse todos iria ocupar toda a lista. A saga twilight, the hunger games e a trilogia Millennium pus todos juntos senão ocupariam a lista toda também.
PS: Os livros não estão por qualquer ordem.
O que acham dos livros que coloquei aqui? Quais são os vossos livros preferidos?
Your 5 least favorite books of all time.
Your favorite characters and which books they’re from.
Characters you hate and which books they’re from.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what five books would you take with you? Include one reason for each.
The best book you’ve read in the last year.
The worst book you’ve read in the last year.
Your favorite quotes from books.
Your favorite quotes about books.
Name five absolutely great film adaptations of books.
Name three absolutely awful film adaptations of books.
Your favorite authors.
Your favorite book from childhood
A book you regret not having read sooner
A book you haven’t read but is on your “will read” list.
A book you haven’t read and have no intention of ever reading,.
A book you want to like, but can’t get into for whatever reason. Why can’t you get into it?
A book that you think is highly overrated.
A book that you think is woefully underrated
The environment you most enjoy reading in
The most disturbing book you’ve ever read
A book you once loved, but don’t anymore. What changed?
A book you once hated, but now love. What changed?
Your favorite series
The nerdiest book you’ve ever read.
Your favorite type of nonfiction book
Your favorite genre
The first book you can remember reading on your own
An author you wish was more well-known
Espero chegar ao fim do desafio sem desistir a meio ou algo do género. Não irei, provavelmente, fazer todos os dias seguidos mas farei quando puder. Espero que durante o desafio me vão dando as vossas opiniões e me digam o que "responderiam" nesse ponto.
Desafio retirado daqui